The bite blames Trump for ‘chaos and carnage’ of January 6 attack – live | US news



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In a preview of some of what Joe Biden will say tomorrow when he makes remarks at the US Capitol about the uprising there last January 6 by Donald Trump supporters, it is interesting to note that the press second Jen Psaki marked the word “carnage” for which the incumbent US president will blame his predecessor.

Joe Biden in Delaware last year.

Joe Biden in Delaware last year. Photo: Jim Watson / AFP / Getty Images

Of course, Trump memorably referred to “American carnage” to paint a dystopian picture of the country in his first speech as president at his inauguration on January 20, 2017.

As Guardians Ed Pilkington noted on the day, Trump: “invented the sinister phrase ‘American carnage’ to evoke a vivid picture of inner cities that he said were plagued by crime, a political elite that had forgotten ordinary people, and a landscape of rusty factories as tombstones.

Ed continued:

And with Hillary Clinton seeing only a few painful feet away, Trump left no one in doubt that he intends to release what he called a new vision of “America first” in the world, by delivering a brutal and repentant speech that made only a small attempt to soothe the world or begin to heal an agitated and anxious nation.

Trump delivered a 16-minute opening speech that more closely resembled his thunderous addresses from the campaign track than the oratorical heights of his predecessors, scolding the Washington elites of both sides for ignoring the American people and letting inner cities flourish in “crime and gangs” . and substances.

The American massacre stops right here, right now. From this day forward, a new vision will rule our country. From this day forward, it will only be America first. America first. “

It hardly seems coincidental that Psaki used the word today and seemed to indicate that Biden is likely to use it tomorrow to claim that instead of living up to his promise during his campaign that “I alone can fix it, “Trump unleashed chaos and eventually carnage. on U.S. governance.

Psaki spoke earlier in the White House as well noted, in his preview of Biden’s scheduled speech tomorrow, January 6, that the president, in addition to criticizing Donald Trump “will of course speak at the moment, to the importance in the history of peaceful transfer of power, of what we must do to protect our own democracy and be forward-looking, but he will also reflect on the role his predecessor played “in spurring the uprising of his supporters at the US Capitol last year, in a futile attempt to prevent Congress’ official certification of Biden’s victory over Trump in the 2020 presidential election. .

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The bite blames Trump for ‘chaos and carnage’ of rebellion

At the White House press conference today, Press Secretary Jen Psaki noted that when Joe Biden makes remarks at the U.S. capital tomorrow morning to mark the anniversary of the January 6 uprising by extremist supporters of Donald Trump, he will come up with a strong statement.

She said Biden “will speak to the truth about what happened, not the lies that some have spread since, and the danger it posed to the rule of law and our system of democratic governance.”

She went on to say that the current US president will also talk about the work that is still needed to strengthen US democracy “to reject the hatred and lies we saw on January 6 and to unite our country. . “

Psaki said: “President Biden has been aware of the threat the former president represents to our democracy and how the former president is constantly working to undermine fundamental American values ​​and the rule of law. And, of course, President Biden has repeatedly spoken about how the former the president abused his office, undermined the constitution, and ignored his oath to the american people in an attempt to rally more power to himself and his allies. “

The bite, the White House continued, “sees January 6 as the tragic culmination of what the four years under President Trump did to our country, and they reflected the importance for the president of winning … the struggle for the soul of our nation. . “

“I would expect President Biden to account for the significance of what happened at the Capitol and the unique responsibility President Trump has for the chaos and carnage we saw,” Psaki said.

“And he will forcibly push back on lies spread by the former president in an attempt to mislead the American people and his own supporters,” she added.

Now this

In a preview of Pres. Biden’s anniversary speech on January 6, the White House said he would present the ‘clear responsibility’ Trump had for ‘chaos and carnage’ that day

January 5, 2022

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