Roger Stone, Trump’s ally, pleads the fifth in office with the committee on January 6

Stone came out of the landfill after just 90 minutes and told reporters that he invoked the Fifth Amendment, which offers protection against self-incrimination, “not because I have done anything wrong, but because I am fully aware of the House Democrats’ long history of fabricating accusations of perjury. “

“I question the legitimacy of this inquiry,” Stone said, “based on the fact that Speaker (Nancy) Pelosi rejected the nomination of Republicans to this committee and put two anti-Trump Republicans in. This is witch-hunt 3.0 . “

“I emphasize once again that I was not at the Ellipse. I was not marching to the Capitol. I was not at the Capitol and any allegations, allegations or even implications that I knew about or was involved in any way with the illegal and politically counterproductive activities of January 6 are categorically false, “he added.

Stone said he was disturbed by investigations into his activity on Jan. 5, and told reporters Friday that it was constitutionally protected freedom of speech and the right to free assembly.

The longtime Republican operator used the hours before his demise to raise money for his legal defense fund on his social media accounts and to insist he has done nothing wrong.

Two other high-profile witnesses have also indicated they would invoke the fifth: John Eastman, the lawyer who helped formulate a dubious legal theory that former Vice President Mike Pence had the authority to suspend the certification of the 2020 presidential election results , and Jeffrey Clark, a former top Justice Department official under the Trump administration.

Stone not only promoted his performance at a “Stop the Steal” event on January 6, but requested donations for it, declaring that his purpose at the convention was to “lead a march to the Capitol,” according to the panel’s subpoena letter to him.

Roger Stone will be the latest to say he would be in favor of the committee from the fifth to the 6th of January

The committee added that according to media reports, Stone used members of the Oath Keepers as personal security guards, several of whom stormed the Capitol and at least one who has been indicted while in Washington.

Following the last major House integrity investigation, following the 2016 election, Stone was convicted in a federal court of obstructing Congress by lying about his efforts to contact WikiLeaks on behalf of the Trump campaign.

During his criminal trial, which took place before the end of the Trump administration, the Justice Department successfully argued that Stone lied to Congress to protect Trump. Trump pardoned him later.

GOP fundraiser involved in January 6 rally meet with committee

The committee also met Friday with Caroline Wren, one of the organizers of the rallies, which took place on and around Jan. 6, a source with knowledge of the situation told CNN.

House investigators are targeting the money trail behind the Jan. 6 rally

CNN has previously reported that the committee is investigating organizers of “Women for America First,” who helped with the Ellipse event, including Wren.

Wren was a major fundraiser for the Trump campaign, and several sources previously interviewed by the committee said investigators are interested in her role as fundraiser for the demonstration and the source of those funds.

The committee’s subpoena to Wren notes that she was a “VIP advisor” to the convention.

“Caroline Wren received tens of thousands of dollars as a consultant for the Trump campaign and the RNC’s joint fundraising committee,” CNN legal analyst Norm Eisen told CNN in October, noting that she is just one of several people whose finances could shed light. over the degree. of the connection between the former president and the January 6 meeting.

CNN saw Wren enter the committee’s interview room Friday afternoon, where she answered questions for several hours. CBS was the first to report the committee’s meeting with Wren.

This story has been updated with further details.

CNN’s Ryan Nobles and Sara Murray contributed to this report.


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