Oldham: ‘Tenant from hell’ leaves home strewn with rubbish, rotting food and feces

Piles of rubbish were left behind and covered all surfaces of the house in Oldham

Piles of rubbish were left behind and covered every surface of the Oldham house (Photo: Kennedy News)

A landlord is left with a £ 15,000 clean-up bill after his ‘tenant from hell’ left waist-high piles of rotting rubbish covering the house’s floors.

Danny Hernon, 54, was horrified to discover the condition his three-bedroom house in Oldham, Greater Manchester, had been left in after his tenant for 18 years moved out.

He said he had to ‘dig himself out’ because so many things had been left on the floor.

Danny estimates he will have to spend £ 15,000 on getting the property back to a good condition and said his tenant suggested her £ 500 security deposit would cover the cost.

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He finally gained access to the house on Thursday, December 9, despite his tenant moving out a month ago.

In addition to the mountains of garbage and rotting food piled high in every room, Danny found used toilet paper and what appeared to be feces covering the bathroom floor.

The walls were covered with black mold and dirt, while thick cobwebs hung from the ceiling.

Danny, who shared a video of the interior online, said: ‘She told her to move out but held back with the keys, she just kept putting it off even though her tenancy had expired.

PICTURE FROM Kennedy News and Media (PICTURE: REDUCED BY A 'RENT FROM HELL' IN LESSOR DANNY HERNON'S RENTAL PROPERTY) A terrified landlord discovered that his property was stacked so high with rubbish and faeces that he had to 'dig himself out again' - only for the shameless 'tenant from hell' to suggest that their deposit of € 500 would cover the clean-up of € 15,000. Danny Hernon was upset when his 18-year-old tenant seemed reluctant to hand over their keys to his three-bedroom and one-bathroom townhouse despite moving out more than a month ago. But the 54-year-old was horrified to discover the cause when he finally entered the Oldham, Greater Manchester, property on Thursday 9 December and was greeted with a stomach stench from heaps of rubbish in every room. DISCLAIMER: While Kennedy News and Media does its best to establish the copyright and authenticity of all images provided, it assumes no responsibility for any damage, loss or legal action caused by the use of the images provided, and the publication of Photos are at your sole discretion. SE KENNEDY NEWS COPY - 0161 697 4266

Danny fears that his tenant lived like this for some time (Photo: Kennedy News and Media)

PICTURE FROM Kennedy News and Media (PICTURE: REDUCED BY A 'RENT FROM HELL' IN LESSOR DANNY HERNON'S RENTAL PROPERTY) A terrified landlord discovered that his property was stacked so high with rubbish and faeces that he had to 'dig himself out again' - only for the shameless 'tenant from hell' to suggest that their deposit of € 500 would cover the clean-up of € 15,000. Danny Hernon was upset when his 18-year-old tenant seemed reluctant to hand over their keys to his three-bedroom and one-bathroom townhouse despite moving out more than a month ago. But the 54-year-old was horrified to discover the cause when he finally entered the Oldham, Greater Manchester, property on Thursday 9 December and was greeted with a stomach stench from heaps of rubbish in every room. DISCLAIMER: While Kennedy News and Media does its best to establish the copyright and authenticity of all images provided, it assumes no responsibility for any damage, loss or legal action caused by the use of the images provided, and the publication of Photos are at your sole discretion. SE KENNEDY NEWS COPY - 0161 697 4266

Landlord has predicted cleanup will cost £ 15,000 (Photo: Kennedy News and Media)

‘Eventually we picked up the keys and that was what I went into. I was completely horrified.

‘It was just an absolute carnage in every room. In the video, the front room is empty, but the leap outside is all that came out of there.

‘When I walk through the kitchen, you can actually hear things cracking under my feet, and that’s all the bottles and plastic waste.

‘I had to dig to get to the back door, so much was there on the floor.

“It all came together – cat litter, dog food, everything – it was awful and the smell was incredible.

‘In the bathroom, she’s obviously done what she’s done, leaving all the things outside the toilet, so I’m assuming it’s blocked and not working.

‘I just do not know how people can live like that. It must have been going on for years to become like that.

‘If she’s lived that way up to a month ago, there’s clearly something wrong, but whatever the cause, it still should not be in that state, it’s just disgusting.’

PICTURE FROM Kennedy News and Media (PICTURE: ONE OF FIVE SKIPPERS FILLED WITH WASTE FROM DANNY HERNON'S RENTAL PROPERTY AFTER A TENANT MAKES A RUDE) A terrified landlord discovered that his property was stacked so high with garbage and feces that he had to 'dig' back 'out' - only for the shameless 'tenant from hell' to suggest that their deposit of € 500 would cover the £ 15,000 cleanup. Danny Hernon was upset when his 18-year-old tenant seemed reluctant to hand over their keys to his three-bedroom and one-bathroom townhouse despite moving out more than a month ago. But the 54-year-old was horrified to discover the cause when he finally entered the Oldham, Greater Manchester, property on Thursday 9 December and was greeted with a stomach stench from heaps of rubbish in every room. DISCLAIMER: While Kennedy News and Media does its best to establish the copyright and authenticity of all images provided, it assumes no responsibility for any damage, loss or legal action caused by the use of the images provided, and the publication of Photos are at your sole discretion. SE KENNEDY NEWS COPY - 0161 697 4266

Danny has spent £ 1,400 just on skipping (Photo: Kennedy News and Media)

PICTURE FROM Kennedy News and Media (PICTURE: REDUCED BY A 'RENT FROM HELL' IN LESSOR DANNY HERNON'S RENTAL PROPERTY) A terrified landlord discovered that his property was stacked so high with rubbish and faeces that he had to 'dig himself out again' - only for the shameless 'tenant from hell' to suggest that their deposit of € 500 would cover the clean-up of € 15,000. Danny Hernon was upset when his 18-year-old tenant seemed reluctant to hand over their keys to his three-bedroom and one-bathroom townhouse despite moving out more than a month ago. But the 54-year-old was horrified to discover the cause when he finally entered the Oldham, Greater Manchester, property on Thursday 9 December and was greeted with a stomach stench from heaps of rubbish in every room. DISCLAIMER: While Kennedy News and Media does its best to establish the copyright and authenticity of all images provided, it assumes no responsibility for any damage, loss or legal action caused by the use of the images provided, and the publication of Photos are at your sole discretion. SE KENNEDY NEWS COPY - 0161 697 4266

The tenant asked him to keep her £ 500 security deposit to cover up the mess (Photo: Kennedy News and Media)

Danny and his partner have reported their former tenant to police and the municipality in hopes of getting her to pay for at least some of the damage.

He believes that his tenant – who often had his partner and son living – had lived in misery for some time in order for the house to get to the condition he found it in.

They were in the process of selling the house and agreed on a sale price, but have now had to put this on hold while they sort out the damage.

Danny said: ‘The toilet has to be thrown away, the bath has to be thrown away, the kitchen has to be torn out, it’s just awful.

‘It’s going to cost us around £ 15,000 to get it right. It has to be out of business – you do not get it in rent, so if everyone did, I would not have a business.

PHOTO FROM Kennedy News and Media (TICKET: DANNY HERNON'S RENTED PROPERTY AFTER CLEARING FARM OF WASTE OUT OF A RENTER) A terrified landlord discovered that his property was stacked so high with garbage and feces that he had to 'dig himself out again' - only for the shameless 'tenant from hell' to suggest that their deposit of € 500 would cover the clean-up of € 15,000. Danny Hernon was upset when his 18-year-old tenant seemed reluctant to hand over their keys to his three-bedroom and one-bathroom townhouse despite moving out more than a month ago. But the 54-year-old was horrified to discover the cause when he finally entered the Oldham, Greater Manchester, property on Thursday 9 December and was greeted with a stomach stench from heaps of rubbish in every room. DISCLAIMER: While Kennedy News and Media does its best to establish the copyright and authenticity of all images provided, it assumes no responsibility for any damage, loss or legal action caused by the use of the images provided, and the publication of Photos are at your sole discretion. SE KENNEDY NEWS COPY - 0161 697 4266

Danny has had to postpone the sale of the house while he fixes the mess (Photo: Kennedy News and Media)

PHOTO FROM Kennedy News and Media (TICKET: DANNY HERNON'S RENTED PROPERTY AFTER CLEARING FARM OF WASTE OUT OF A RENTER) A terrified landlord discovered that his property was stacked so high with garbage and feces that he had to 'dig himself out again' - only for the shameless 'tenant from hell' to suggest that their deposit of € 500 would cover the clean-up of € 15,000. Danny Hernon was upset when his 18-year-old tenant seemed reluctant to hand over their keys to his three-bedroom and one-bathroom townhouse despite moving out more than a month ago. But the 54-year-old was horrified to discover the cause when he finally entered the Oldham, Greater Manchester, property on Thursday 9 December and was greeted with a stomach stench from heaps of rubbish in every room. DISCLAIMER: While Kennedy News and Media does its best to establish the copyright and authenticity of all images provided, it assumes no responsibility for any damage, loss or legal action caused by the use of the images provided, and the publication of Photos are at your sole discretion. SE KENNEDY NEWS COPY - 0161 697 4266

Danny hopes to make the property suitable for residential use again before the new year (Photo: Kennedy News and Media)

“She said whatever it cost to make up, so keep my bond loan and use it, but the bond was only £ 500 and it’s going to cost me £ 1,400 just in profit.

‘No matter what the cost, we’ll take her to court. I know she does not have a lot of money, but it must be pointed out that you can not leave landlords in this situation. ‘

The landlord and a friend have so far spent five grueling days shoveling the piles of rubbish out of the house and have filled five ships.

They hope to have cleared the dirty property before Christmas to renovate and sell it in the new year.

Greater Manchester Police confirmed that the incident of criminal damage was reported on December 15 and is being investigated.

An Oldham Council spokesman said: “It is important that landlords carry out inspections of their tenants before renting out a property and that they carry out regular inspections to ensure that tenants are complying with their tenancy agreement and that the house is in good condition. . ‘

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