Reality star has heart attack symptoms from FARTING too much, earned $ 200,000 by selling wind in JARS

A former reality star who earned $ 200,000 by haggling in jars and selling her wind to fans has announced her retirement after she was driven to the hospital for pushing one out too much.

Steph Matto, 31, of Connecticut, was recently in the emergency room after experiencing shooting pains in his chest.

She thought she had a heart attack or stroke, and was convinced she was going to die every moment.

Concerned doctors performed blood tests and an ECG, but later told the 90 Day Fiancé star that the symptoms were actually caused by excess gas from her frequent diet of beans, eggs and banana protein shakes.

A former reality star who earned $ 200,000 by haggling in jars and selling her wind to fans has announced her retirement after she was driven to the hospital for pushing one out too much.

A former reality star who earned $ 200,000 by haggling in jars and selling her wind to fans has announced her retirement after she was driven to the hospital for pushing one out too much.

Steph Matto, 31, of Connecticut, was recently in the emergency room after she experienced shooting pains in her chest and thought she was having a heart attack

Steph Matto, 31, of Connecticut, was recently in the emergency room after she experienced shooting pains in her chest and thought she was having a heart attack

Concerned doctors performed blood tests and an ECG, but later told the 90 Day Fiancé star that the symptoms were actually caused by excess gas from her diet with beans and eggs

Concerned doctors performed blood tests and an ECG, but later told the 90 Day Fiancé star that the symptoms were actually caused by excess gas from her diet with beans and eggs

Steph started selling his farts back in November after receiving inquiries on the Unfiltrd website with adult content

Steph started selling his farts back in November after receiving inquiries on the Unfiltrd website with adult content

“I thought I had a stroke and that it was my last moments,” Steph told Jam Press. “I exaggerated it.”

She began selling her farts back in November after receiving inquiries on the Unfiltrd website with adult content.

She charged $ 1,000 for the unique product, even though Steph offered a 50 percent discount during the Christmas period and earned $ 200,000 in total from the business.

To keep up with demand – which caused her to squeeze up to 50 jars of farts a week – the self-proclaimed ‘speed entrepreneur’ opted for a high-fiber diet and lived on beans and eggs.

She later added protein shakes to the mix after discovering it made the farts smell worse.

Steph relived the prelude to the hospital visit and said: ‘I remember that within a day I had about three protein shakes and a large bowl of black bean soup.

She charged $ 1,000 for the unique product, even though Steph offered a 50 percent discount during the Christmas period and earned $ 200,000 in total from the business.

She charged $ 1,000 for the unique product, even though Steph offered a 50 percent discount during the Christmas period and earned $ 200,000 in total from the business.

To keep up with demand - which caused her to squeeze up to 50 glasses of farts a week - the self-proclaimed 'speed entrepreneur' opted for a high-fiber diet and lived on beans and eggs

To keep up with demand – which caused her to squeeze up to 50 glasses of farts a week – the self-proclaimed ‘speed entrepreneur’ opted for a high-fiber diet and lived on beans and eggs

‘I could feel something was wrong that night as I lay in bed and I could feel a pressure in my stomach move upwards.

‘It was pretty hard to breathe and every time I tried to breathe in, I felt a squeezed sensation around my heart. And that, of course, caused my anxiety to escalate.

‘I actually called my friend and asked if they could come over to drive me to the hospital because I thought I had a heart attack.

‘I ended up going to the hospital that night. I did not tell my doctors about the fart in the jar, but I did tell them about my diet.

‘It was made clear that what I was experiencing was not a stroke or heart attack but very intense gas pain.

‘I was advised to change my diet and take a gas-inhibiting medication, which has actually ended my business.’

She later added protein shakes to the mix after discovering it made the farts smell worse

She later added protein shakes to the mix after discovering it made the farts smell worse

After eating three protein shakes and a large bowl of black bean soup, Steph said it became difficult to breathe and she felt a squeezed sensation around her heart

After eating three protein shakes and a large bowl of black bean soup, Steph said it became difficult to breathe and she felt a squeezed sensation around her heart

Eventually, doctors told her she was experiencing 'very intense gas pain.' She was advised to change her diet and take a gas-inhibiting medication, which in turn ended her business

Eventually, doctors told her she was experiencing ‘very intense gas pain.’ She was advised to change her diet and take a gas-inhibiting medication, which in turn ended her business

During her two-month-long venture, the TV star said she was shocked by the huge demand for her farts.

She explained: ‘I decided to do it on a whim after people asked for it a few times. Luckily, as soon as I put the glasses up for sale, they started selling like hot cakes.

‘I honestly could not believe the claim. I think a lot of people have this fetish in secret.

‘I started this project by eating mostly protein muffins, shakes and also hard-boiled eggs.

‘Since then, I’ve decided to branch out a bit and try some new recipes to keep it exciting.

‘I have loved black bean salad, onions, ham and pepper omelettes and I have made a really good protein smoothie with lots of banana.

“I think certain foods produce better smelling farts, so I tend to go with smoothies as opposed to things like cabbage and eggs.”

During her two-month commitment, the TV star said she was shocked by the huge demand for her farts, which are 'sold like hot cakes'

During her two-month commitment, the TV star said she was shocked by the huge demand for her farts, which are ‘sold like hot cakes’

Despite the financial success, the reception of her unique business venture has been shared online. Steph admitted that she has received 'a wealth of negativity' and even death threats over it

Despite the financial success, the reception of her unique business venture has been shared online. Steph admitted that she has received ‘a wealth of negativity’ and even death threats over it

Despite the financial success, the reception of her unique business venture has been divided.

Steph said: ‘I have a lot of people who praise me, call me a girl boss and tell me I inspire them to be rude about who they are and what they do.

‘But at the other end, I’ve got a ton of negativity. I’ve even received death threats, people who have told me I should end my life, and so on.

‘I try my best not to react to these people and give them what they want, which is attention.

‘In this time we have to stop tearing people down for their choices. Especially if their choice literally does not hurt anyone.

‘I think there is a lot of jealousy and a lot of antifeminism. Everyone is a feminist until a woman starts haggling in jars and selling it.

‘But I think my family is relieved [about my retirement], and honestly so is my colon too. The diet was never sustainable and there was always an expiration date. ‘

'In this time we have to stop tearing people down for their choices. Especially if their choice literally does not hurt anyone,

‘In this time we have to stop tearing people down for their choices. Especially if their choice literally does not hurt anyone, “she said

Steph started documenting his exceptional talent on TikTok last year and has since gained more than 100,000 followers on the app

Steph started documenting his exceptional talent on TikTok last year and has since gained more than 100,000 followers on the app

Her jokes have divided viewers, with some criticizing the reality star while others praised her entrepreneurial thinking during the COVID-19 pandemic

Her jokes have divided viewers, with some criticizing the reality star while others praised her entrepreneurial thinking during the COVID-19 pandemic

Steph began documenting her exceptional talent on TikTok last year, with her first viral video seen over seven million times.

Her jokes have divided viewers, with some criticizing the reality star while others praised her entrepreneurial thinking during the COVID-19 pandemic.

One viewer commented: ‘My belief in humanity has disappeared.’

‘Shame on you girl,’ said another user.

Another added: ‘Mother of God. I’m done with this world. ‘

“All of us with IBS can be rich,” joked another person.

To defend Steph, one fan said: ‘I do not understand how someone who makes money in a certain way is such a great thing for people.

‘Just leave her alone and let her make her money. My God!’

‘I do not understand why people are angry about this. I am respectfully jealous of anything. Get that coin girl! ‘ another person agreed.

Steph plans to donate a portion of his income to charity and also invest money.

She added: “Even though I got backlash, I think it’s opened a new door for me. I’m working on digital fart jar art at the moment.

‘I think everything happens for a reason and even though my fart sales days are coming to an end I will save the money I have earned and will put some in crypto.

‘I also want to donate to a charity that supports stomach ailments.’


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