Biden was compelled to speak out as US democracy worries grow

WASHINGTON (AP), President Joe Biden is being asked troubling questions by worried world leaders that he didn't expect to hear.

Biden was compelled to speak out as US democracy worries grow

They ask, "Is America going be all right?" They ask, "What about democracy?"

Biden tried to assure America's allies, but he only occasionally highlighted the serious threat to democracy from Jan. 6 insurrection on the U.S. Capitol. He also repeated the lie that Donald Trump stole the 2020 election. He has not even discussed the real concerns over a growing number of insurrection sympathizers who are being installed in local elections posts, and the changes made by Republicans to several state election laws.

As the anniversary of that tragic day approaches, the Democratic President is being asked to reorder priorities, and to use his power to push for voting rights legislation. This, according to its supporters, could be the best way to combat the rapidly evolving threats to democracy.

Biden's tension in his approach is a result of his ability to balance the pressing needs of Americans to move forward on the highly visible issues such as the coronavirus pandemic, the economy, and the less obvious, but equally important, issue of maintaining trust in elections, government, and government.

According to White House aides, the president will deliver a speech Jan. 6 that will focus on maintaining democracy. Voting rights won't be included in the remarks, but they will be the subject of another speech soon.

Biden spoke with urgency about the need to pass voting rights legislation in his commencement speech at South Carolina State University.

"I have never witnessed anything like the relentless assault on the right of voting. Biden stated, "Never," adding that, "This new sinister mixture of voter suppression, election subversion is un-American, undemocratic and, sadly, unprecedented since Reconstruction."

The world is paying attention. Jake Sullivan, Biden's national security advisor, has also stated that the riot at Capitol has changed the perception of many countries about the United States.

"Jan. "Jan. Allies view it with concern and worry about America's future democracy. Adversaries see it with more of a rubbing of their hands and thinking, "How can we make the most of this?

Republicans in many states, however, are encouraging efforts to influence future election by installing sympathetic leaders at local elections posts and supporting those who were involved in the insurrection for elected office.

White House officials insist that Biden's relative reticence shouldn't be mistaken for complacency in the growing movement to rewrite the history of the Jan. 6th riot. They claim that the president believes that the best way to defeat Trump, electoral denialism, and domestic extremism, is to show the rest of the nation and the world that government can work.

"I am aware that progress doesn't come quickly enough. Biden stated last fall that it has never happened. "Governing can be frustrating and sometimes demoralizing. However, I know that it is possible to keep the pressure on, keep the faith, and never lose sight of what's possible.

Biden believed that Trumpism was not fully embraced by many of his voters. Trump instead used long-standing dissatisfaction about the country's economic, political and social systems to create his coalition.

Biden crafted his domestic agenda for his first year to address what he considered to be the root causes. This was to show that government can function effectively.

He directed federal law enforcement officials to strengthen security at national institutions, improve communication systems, and procedures. This was partly to blame for the fact that U.S. Capitol Police was left in chaos for hours during the mob attack.

The Justice Department has been charged with the largest criminal prosecution in its history. More than 700 defendants were brought to trial and more are being sought.

However, many Democrats and activists are concerned about the future of 2022 and beyond and want to see voting rights be a top priority.

Christina Baal, an organizer and executive director of Public Wise (a group that collects and publishes information about candidates for office who support election lies), said, "The insurrection was part a larger movement to suppress electoral elections and overthrow democracy."

Baal stated that efforts to discredit electoral integrity do more than just galvanize Trump supporters. They also make it less likely for other voters to vote. "We know, we have done research on trust in elections. If voters don't believe that elections are trustworthy, they might not vote. This is part a larger movement for voter suppression, and Biden must speak out.

While the House approved broad-reaching voting rights legislation in its entirety, Democratic senators blocked it. Joe Manchin from West Virginia and Kyrsten Sinema from Arizona have been obstructions, saying that they oppose changing Senate rules in order to circumvent a GOP filibuster.

This legislation would allow the Justice Department to review amendments to election laws in states that have a history discrimination. It is a provision from the 1965 Voting rights Act, which was struck down by U.S. Supreme Court 2013. According to the Brennan Center 19 states have passed laws that make it more difficult to vote.

Sinema and Manchin have contributed to the creation of separate voting rights legislation. However, it does not have enough Republican support in order to defeat the filibuster.

"People are taking sides rather than looking at what institutional threats are to our democracy," stated Democratic Rep. Peter Welch, Vermont, who was a candidate to replace Democratic Senator Patrick Leahy. He announced his retirement.

Welch was present at the Capitol Jan. 6, and the violence of that day are etched in his mind.

He stated that the norms that had been the foundation of democracy, the free, peaceful transfer of power, and the renunciation violence were destroyed.

The speech by Biden in South Carolina prompted Senate Democrats to reaffirm their commitment to passing voting rights legislation in the early 2022. In an interview with ABC, the president stated that he supports creating an exception from the Senate filibuster if it's necessary to pass voting rights legislation.

It was a remarkable concession by Biden, who has served as a senator for four decades, and it highlighted the seriousness of the threat. He acknowledged that he is aware of the danger and that the world will be watching to see how the nation reacts.

Biden stated, "Didn't you ever think that you'd be asked this question by another leader?"

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