The vent of the dean: give us the money but they take away the teachers and my school so he dies

Are the Manager of a Comprehensive school in molise, one of those small schools small and a bit sfortunelle, made of so many schools of very small, scattered ov

The vent of the dean: give us the money but they take away the teachers and my school so he dies

Are the Manager of a Comprehensive school in molise, one of those small schools small and a bit sfortunelle, made of so many schools of very small, scattered over a territory of mountains and hills, in a constellation of common and clinging, and little inhabited. A place beautiful and pristine. Zero cases of Covid-19. Unfortunately, every year we lose a few pieces: students who prefer to enrol in schools of the big cities, the plexuses are closing, classes merged. And yet we have schools, spacious and bright, equipment, technology, courses which are interesting, the teachers inspiring and motivated; we design avanguardisticamente a wonderful institute also thanks to a rain of eu funding for us schools sfortunelle.

The revenge lack of

The Covid-19 and the measures for the reopening of schools in September they would have had to mark our revenge: finally, go to a small school small, becomes a guarantee of normality, and it proudly states in capital letters in its educational offer the privilege of the pupils may return to school in safety, without imaginative solutions that do not favour neither the comfort nor the teaching, type double shifts, visors, suits, plexiglass, screens, gazebos, etc., our school has infinite space but few pupils. We have even schools empty, closed from one year to another because there are no longer enough children to keep them open, perfectly decorated, we even the Lim and the computer. Hasten, therefore, in the small schools small and forget! This will be the year of redemption: already I imagine the membership requests, families would have a reason to return to the village and leave the city, would be the life in the interior areas, the new blood for the places the dying in Italy. Hurrah for the fight against the depopulation of the inner areas conveyed by the security at the school.


However, I did not even have time to imagine it. My dreams by dean bucolic you are shattered on the communication of the staff of the fact. The Ministry of Education has cut the staff and my school is small, detract from employees schools and merged two classes. It's all the fault of the numbers, I know, but did I really believe that this Covid-19 would change the perspective at which you look at the school. So, the next year in the plexus of Palata, in the province of Campobasso, in secondary school there will be a class (the second), and a pluriclasse (first and third together) for a total of 17 students of which a person with a disability that is serious. We're used to the pluriclassi, ok, the primary is fine, in fact it is a situation that offers opportunity for a teaching alternative and stimulated, but to the average no. This year, no. So it affects us to buy the plexiglass. Write none in the Ptof trying to convince families not to send their children to school in the city. To support the idea that efficiency and effectiveness are the only vital parameters of educational institutions. The Decree Relaunch has given us almost 20 thousand euros to secure the school for the reopening. To us it would be enough that we leave the classes and all of the staff that we had this year. In a year or two we will, we will not have more pupils, there will be no more children, and after a while even the adults. The money is not enough without the political will to recover entire depressed areas of our country. The money is not enough if you don't really care about the citizens (except for those that produce plexiglass and masks).

*the school Manager

Updated:17.06.2020 15:35

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