Northern Ireland’s Covid guide remains unchanged as UK government urges public to take lateral flow tests before Christmas shopping

Northern Ireland’s advice on the use of lateral flow tests remains unchanged after the UK government urged people to take a test if they think they will be in ‘crowded indoor spaces’ that day.

the new council comes ahead of the busy Christmas shopping and social season in December. People had previously been asked to take two lateral flow tests a week instead of before specific high-risk situations, and if a person tests positive on the rapid test, they should avoid going out and ordering a PCR test to confirm their result. .

When contacted by the Belfast Telegraph on Thursday, the Northern Ireland Public Health Agency (PHA) reiterated to “take a quick LFD test before attending any event or social gathering, wear a face mask, practice good hand hygiene, limit your contacts, keep rooms well-ventilated or meet outdoors whenever possible and be vaccinated if warranted ”.

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“Just because restrictions allow for large events and social gatherings does not mean that they do not pose a risk of COVID-19 infection, and we have seen cases among younger people generally increase. Consider whether an activity is necessary and limit your contacts, ”the statement continued.

Queen’s University virologist Dr. Connor Bamford noted that rapid testing before high-risk situations is beneficial if encouraged.

“Given the high levels of infection in the community, the significant number of unvaccinated and without boosters, combined with moving into the winter months, the holiday will be more risky for us personally but also nationally compared to Covid,” he told Belfast . Telegraph.

“A special environment is under shopping, where many of us can be in close proximity to doors with other people for a long time. It is clear that this poses a higher risk situation. “

He noted that lateral flow testing is a measure to help limit the chances of catching or spreading coronavirus, as it “will tell you if you have high levels of SARS-CoV-2 and is likely to pass it on”, but repeated the benefits of other precautions as well, such as PCR testing, observing distance where possible, limiting time indoors, and covering your mouth and nose.

Reportedly, one in three people with Covid has no symptoms, meaning someone may go out into public or enclosed spaces and potentially have no idea they had passed it on.

Lateral flow tests can be ordered for free and taken at home, giving a result within 30 minutes.

Dr. Bamford said people who show Covid-19 or even cold-like symptoms (headache, runny nose, cough, etc.) should isolate themselves and get a PCR test.

Ministers in Scotland and England this week urged their populations to take more lateral flow tests in an attempt to combat an increase in positive Covid-19 cases due to concerns that the pandemic could prevent Christmas celebrations for the second year in a row .

It comes while other countries in Europe are struggling with an increase in cases, with new lockdowns introduced in Austria and Slovakia and further new restrictions in e.g. Germany and the Netherlands.

But on Monday, Boris Johnson said he did not see a need to reintroduce lockdown rules in England.

He has also not reintroduced the recommendation for people to work from home, saying instead that employers should seek to make their businesses Covid-safe, while Stormont ministers here in Northern Ireland have stressed that staff should work externally where possible in an attempt to curb cases. .

Five additional coronavirus-related deaths have been recorded in NI on Thursday along with a further 1,549 positive cases.

At noon the same day, a total of 2,970,478 vaccines were given and 328,358 booster jabs were given.

The National Board of Health has also been asked for an answer.

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