Hepatitis B virus can trigger genetic changes in liver cells years before cancer diagnosis

hepatitis B

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Researchers at the Francis Crick Institute and the Universidade de Santiago de Compostela have identified how hepatitis B virus (HBV) can support the survival and growth of liver cancer, where this process starts early in tumor development; in some cases up to 20 years before the cancer diagnosis.

About 240 million people worldwide are infected with HBV. This virus is known to affect chromosomes in the liver and can cause hepatocellular cancer, the most common type of liver cancer. This process involves DNA from the virus that integrates into liver cells.

In their study, published in Nature communication on November 25, the researchers used the latest advances in DNA sequencing methods to study 296 hepatocellular tumors that are part of the Pan-Cancer Analysis of Whole Genomes database.

They found that DNA from HBV was integrated into the DNA of cancer cells in 51 samples, a total of 148 cases. In 23 samples, the integration of the virus’ DNA caused large-scale changes in the DNA of the cells it infected, which probably played a major role in the development of the cancer.

Using advanced computer algorithms, the researchers estimated the time when the genetic HBV material was inserted into the liver cells. In some cases, it turned out to be years before the cancer diagnosis, and in one case, it turned out to be 21 years earlier.

Eva Álvarez, first author and Ph.D. student at the University of Santiago de Compostela, says: “Hepatocellular cancer kills 700,000 people each year. Although not all cases are associated with HBV, and although not everyone with the virus will develop cancer, disclosure of more about this condition can potentially help find new treatments or ways to monitor people infected with this virus to identify those at risk. “

Peter Van Loo, author and group leader at Crick and MD Anderson, says: “HBV is one of only a handful of viruses currently linked to cancer. It is now becoming clear how this virus can cause large-scale genomic injury, and thus has a major impact on tumor development. This area of ​​study can offer valuable new insights into cancer formation and development. “

The study will continue to investigate the relationship between HBV and cancer, including the study of non-cancerous tissues infected with the virus.

Antiviral treatment of hepatitis C virus reduces the risk of developing liver cancer after treatment

More information:
Eva G. Álvarez et al., Aberrant integration of hepatitis B virus DNA promotes greater restructuring of human hepatocellular carcinoma genome architecture, Nature communication (2021). DOI: 10.1038 / s41467-021-26805-8

Provided by the Francis Crick Institute

Citation: Hepatitis B virus can trigger genetic changes in liver cells years before cancer diagnosis (2021, November 26) Retrieved November 26, 2021 from https://ift.tt/318xRjK . html

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