Staff at LA-Area Boston Market No-Show on Thanksgiving Day

A Rancho Cucamonga Boston Market served up the latest work-related accident over Thanksgiving. Customers who prepaid for their Thanksgiving meals approached the building on Thursday only to see a sign that read: “No employees show up today … we are unable to fulfill the orders! We are sad of the!”

That Daily Bulletin reports that customers did not receive any notifications about the issue and were forced to make other plans on Thanksgiving Day. The chain said it will investigate what happened at the restaurant in the LA area, located about 37 miles east of Downtown LA in San Bernardino County.

Menotti’s coffee veteran is now co-leader at Dayglow

Christopher “nicely” Abel Alameda, whose resume includes some of LA’s most popular coffee units (Menotti’s Coffee Stop, Intelligentsia and Handsome Coffee) announced that he is now co-CEO of Dayglow Coffee.

Given Alameda’s participation in Menotti’s since 2013, his move to Dayglow will improve the company’s cafe and subscription service, which focuses on independent burners, while serving coffee and soft drinks to name a few. Alameda launches December 1st.

Birdie G’s weekend vandalism

Over the course of the Thanksgiving weekend, glass doors were smashed at both Birdie G’s and Tallula’s. Chef Jeremy Fox wrote about the vandalism on Instagram and did not indicate whether these events were an actual robbery, vandalism or both.

A local dining hero gets international attention

If you do not know David R. Chan – SoCal’s prolific eater who ate at 8,000 Chinese restaurants across the United States – then head over to the BBC website to read a story for the 72-year-old retired tax lawyer.

Coachella Valley resort scams affect restaurant and nightlife group SBE

It’s something of a tale of how a 37-year-old woman swindled lots of investors – including nightlife and restaurant group SBE founder Sam Nazarian – out of millions to fund a trendy resort in the Coachella Valley. That LA Times has scooped.

Restaurants continue to defy COVID-19 orders

While restaurants maneuvered to check vaccination status, some LA County defied health orders and received citations and fines over the past two years. That Times notes that some restaurants have not paid for them and remain open as public health authorities find out what to do.

Friend’s dinner in the Palisades

Enoteca 5, chef Gianba Vinzoni’s wine bar in the Pacific Palisades, will host a wine collecting dinner on Wednesday, December 1st. The festivities start at 19, when Vinzoni prepares Ligurian dishes with wines from the Piedmont region of Italy. These bottles come from one of Southern California’s most famous private collectors. They will limit this tasting to 16 people, priced at $ 275. Answer by calling (310) 454-0709.

The entrance to Enoteca 5 in the Pacific Palisades

Enoteca 5
Wonho Frank Lee

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